Enjoy a Chef’s table experience
in the comfort of your own home...
How It Works
1. Discover
Explore menus curated by our vetted chefs in your area. Cant decide? Allow our concierge to find the perfect solution.
2. Book
Our experienced, vetted and fully insured chefs will go to work starting with a trip to the markets for the freshest ingredients available
3. Enjoy
Rest assured our chefs have everything under control. After arriving they will prep, cook, serve and clean. Leaving your kitchen just as they found it.
Gift Vouchers
Treat yourself or another lucky someone to our quality restaurant-in-your-home or private chef experience and indulge in a memorable dining experience. We have gift vouchers for dining parties to whet your appetite and impress even the most discerning food connoisseur. Gift vouchers will be emailed and can also be mailed to you or your guest upon purchase. Please let us know if you have a special dedication message.
Count me
Intertain is always looking for Chefs to add to the platform. If you are a passionate and organised Chef, please contact us.
Latest News
Japanese Cuisine Styles
With an emphasis on seasonal ingredients, the idea of Japanese cooking has leaned towards fresh produce such as fish, or meats, with a side or rice or udon.
Japanese Cooking Essentials
From ramen noodles to corn flour, we've rounded up the best Japanese pantry staples you need in your kitchen for those late night kaarage chicken creation cravings.
Five Perfect Japanese Inspired Summer Cocktails
Now the weather is getting warmer, it is time to bust out your cocktail (or mocktail) making skills and put them to the test with these amazing Japanese Inspired cocktails – guaranteed to cool you down.