Like the tradition and customs that you grow up with, food help shape your family. Food being part of the basic necessities of life is not just to be taken for granted when concocting a dish to satiate your hunger pangs. There is a need to create a healthy food culture, where the young ones can grow up with, and share with the next generations to come.
What about yours? What food culture did you grow up with? What is your impression about the food that your mother cooked and how it shaped your food culture? Whatever it is, food culture is described as your attitude and mindset about food; and inherited from your grandparent’s generation to the millennials.
Secret recipes taste the best; traditions passed down traditions from one generation to another, invented by their forefathers usually not widely available in restaurants. Ah, the beauty about a myriad of selection and variety of recipes and different traditions!
There are many ways to create a healthy food culture that can help mould your kids’ attitude towards food. Take a peek at the following tips.
Tell a story
This is not a typical story telling that your kids learn in school. Tell your kids about the value of eating vegetables, how farmers cultivate and harvest them, and keeping the environment green and healthy. As your kids’ first teacher, never rest a day without talking to them. Find a time to share with your kids the importance of healthy foods and discourage them to eat unhealthy food.
Show how a plant grows - Your kids will surely love to see how a plant grows by acquainting them at home. Let them hold a real trowel, touch the soil and germinate a seed. Find time to bring them to a farm or nursery in your community. Your kids will learn to love the fields and appreciate nature, not to mention their excitement about their harvest.
Buy Fresh Produce
When shopping, why not bring your kids to the supermarket and farmers market. Your kids will love watching the activity around them and the sweet smell of delicacies cooked with native ingredients. Allow your kids to touch the produce with their bare hands so they can feel and smell them. Food culture begins once they learn their first step.
Preparing The Food
Give your kids assignment in the kitchen like paring the potato, slicing the tomato, cleaning the preparation table and washing the dishes. Small tasks that nurture their young minds to love nutritious foods. While doing the tasks, explain to them how the nutrients function in the human body.
The Family That Eats and Prays Together, Stays Together
The best way to instill a positive attitude toward a healthy food culture is to show your kids the value of gracing the meal and eat together. Forget the ipads, laptops and TV at meals. Make it a point that kids learn to thank and bless the food before each meal whether you are at a neighbour’s party, thanksgiving dinner or in a restaurant.