• Tips & Tricks

Setting Mood & Dinner Party Ambience

The perfect dinner party requires more than just great food—it also requires the right atmosphere, the right mood, and the right ambience.

A dinner party is a great way to get your friends and family members together and enjoy a meal. Breaking bread together has long been symbolic of trust and camaraderie and it continues to be the perfect way to gather together the people you love, talk, and enjoy one another’s company. The perfect dinner party requires more than just great food—it also requires the right atmosphere, the right mood, and the right ambience.

Especially when private dining, you will want to create a comfortable, but still classy atmosphere.

Here’s how:

Pre-dinner drinks

One of the best ways to set the tone of the party is to serve drinks to your guests. The concept of pre-dinner drinks lends an air of personality and sophistication to your dinner party. The type of drinks served will establish the theme for dinner. For example, choosing a sake cocktail would be perfect for your Japanese dinner. 


Setting the dining table

The importance of table setting is usually overlooked but it is going to largely dictate the mood of your dinner party. When you engage a private chef through Intertain, you probably want to think about the menu you are having prepared for your private dining experience and what table décor will work best with the theme of the food. No matter what mood you are trying to set, place cards may be used to avoid the awkwardness of trying to pick somewhere to sit when it’s time for dinner. It also helps to ensure conversation at the table isn’t too heavy at one side. 

MyDeal Australia shared this with us, "Another major decision to make is how you are going to serve chosen food items. You could opt for a buffet-style where people serve themselves, a sit-down meal if it is a small gathering. Whichever you choose will have a big impact on how you should arrange your furniture, in the dining room and living room, as you will want to do so in a way that will best accommodate the serving style. If you have a large number of attendees and choose to have a buffet, they are likely to drift into the living room after serving themselves. Thus, it is imperative that you have enough seats placed around for your guests, so no one is forced to stand or be uncomfortable." For more about MyDeal Australia, your one stop shop for anything for your home, check out their social media pages via FacebookInstagram and Twitter


Flower arrangements

Flowers are a great way to set the tone of your dinner party. For example, sunflowers and daisies will create a brighter, more casual atmosphere while roses and lilies feels more sophisticated. Flower arrangements should never be an obstruction between your guests. They are should be short enough that you can talk over them or tall enough that you can talk under them. 



Lighting is just as crucial to creating the right atmosphere as the right setting and flowers are. A more intimate dinner party should have dimmer lights, whether you choose simply to dim a few of the overhead lights or even turn off the lights and rely just on candles at the table. Brighter lights will result in a lighter affair and will generally be better for larger parties and large rooms that cannot be adequately lit just with candles on the table.



No dinner party is complete with music! It is a great way to make sure that even while everyone is digging into the delicious food prepared by your Intertain private chef, there are no awkward silences. When choosing the music, think about the atmosphere you want to achieve and whether or not the music meets the needs of that atmosphere. The type of music you choose will help define the mood of your dinner party. If you’re unsure, one great way is to utilize playlists online such as Spotify and let them curate the music for you.

Setting the right mood for dinner is easier than you think. The little details such as table setting, decorations, lighting and even the music can help you to hit just the right tone.

Here’s to a perfect dinner party. Cheers!

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