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Featured in the AFR on Private Chefs

Why does a billionaire need a private chef to boil an egg? Because they can. Intertain targets professional, dual-income, time-poor households where even the notion of throwing a dinner party is stress-inducing.


Why does a billionaire need a private chef to boil an egg?

“Because they can. When you’re cooking for high-net-worth individuals, the abnormal quickly becomes normal. It’s just part of their lifestyle. These people are working and networking all the time. They have EAs, bodyguards, private trainers, private chefs… if they can afford not to do something, they won’t. Trust is above all the most important thing for these clients.”  Clancy Atkinson, private chef from Sydney shares.

There is a middle ground and it’s our Intertain platform.

Intertain targets professional, dual-income, time-poor households where even the notion of throwing a dinner party is stress-inducing. Users can browse the website by location, chef and cuisine, all with a transparent pricing structure, inclusive of ingredients. Chef’s menus range from $44 per person for a three-course meal, with a minimum of six people; up to $220 a person for a degustation by ex-Rockpool sous chef Robbie Bell. “We’re finding people love the variety,” says Ng.

Read full article here via The Australian Financial Review

Cover photo: Robbie Bell's Taste Of The Med menu.

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